Samstag, 21. August 2010

goal #2: check

Today I went to that fantastic fabric store nearby. I always plan in about an hour of time when I go there - not only does it take me quite a while to decide for fabric (about 50% of the time), but also does the lady who runs the shop talk a lot. Which I really like. Today she told us about their new little rabbits who live in her garden right next to the shop, so we took a break from fabric shopping to pet these tiniest, softest little beings.

I'm in love with the fabrics above that will be turning into a dress for me and lots of things for the baby soon. Something else I couldn't resist buying, though it's not quite the season yet:

It's a woven tape, about 5 centimetres wide, and it just makes me happy.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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